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LOGO: Journal of Cotton Science


Issue 1 Table of Contents

Past, Present, and Future Directions of Process-based Simulation Models for Cotton Production


Agronomy and Soils
Development and Application of Process-based Simulation Models for Cotton Production: A Review of Past, Present, and Future Directions
K. R. Thorp, S. Ale, M. P. Bange, E. M. Barnes, G. Hoogenboom, R. J. Lascano, A. C. McCarthy, S. Nair, J. O. Paz, N. Rajan, K. R. Reddy, G. W. Wall, and J. W. White
Pages: 10-47
DOI: (
Past, Present, and Future Directions of Process-based Simulation Models for Cotton Production

 Issue Editors
Agronomy and Soils
Seed Size and Oil Content Are Key Determinants of Seedling Vigor in Gossypium hirsutum
John L Snider, Guy D. Collins, Jared Whitaker, Kent D. Chapman, Patrick Horn, and Timothy L. Grey
Pages: 1-9
DOI: (

Agronomy and Soils
Development and Application of Process-based Simulation Models for Cotton Production: A Review of Past, Present, and Future Directions
K. R. Thorp, S. Ale, M. P. Bange, E. M. Barnes, G. Hoogenboom, R. J. Lascano, A. C. McCarthy, S. Nair, J. O. Paz, N. Rajan, K. R. Reddy, G. W. Wall, and J. W. White
Pages: 10-47
DOI: (

Agronomy and Soils
Impact of Pima Defoliation Timings on Lint Yield and Quality
Steven D. Wright, Robert B. Hutmacher, Gerardo Banuelos, Sonia I. Rios, Kelly A. Hutmacher, Daniel S. Munk, Katherine A. Wilson, Jonathan F. Wrobles, and Mark P. Keeley
Pages: 48-58
DOI: (

Arthropod Management
Opportunities to Manage Fall Armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on Bollgard II® Cotton with Reduced Rates of Insecticides
Jarrod T. Hardke, Ryan E. Jackson, and B. Rogers Leonard
Pages: 59-67
DOI: (

Arthropod Management
Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) Feeding Injury on Cotton Bolls
Katherine Kamminga, D. Ames Herbert, Michael D. Toews, Sean Malone, and Thomas Kuhar
Pages: 68-74
DOI: (

Breeding and Genetics
Genotype-by-Environment Interaction Effects on Lint Yield of Cotton Cultivars Across Major Regions in the U.S. Cotton Belt
Linghe Zeng, William R. Meredith, Jr., Benjamin T. Campbell, Jane K. Dever, Jinfa Zhang, Kathryn M. Glass, Andrea S. Jones, Gerald O. Myers, and Fred M. Bourland
Pages: 75-84
DOI: (

Engineering and Ginning
Monitoring Cotton Root Rot Progression within a Growing Season Using Airborne Multispectral Imagery
Chenghai Yang, Gary N. Odvody, Carlos J. Fernandez, Juan A. Landivar, Richard R. Minzenmayer, Robert L. Nichols, and J. Alex Thomasson
Pages: 85-93
DOI: (