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LOGO: Journal of Cotton Science


Analysis and Design of a Drying Model for Use in the Design of Starch-Coated Cottonseed Dryers

Authors: Mathew G. Pelletier, Joseph W. Laird, Gary L. Barker, and Suhas V. Patankar
Pages: 234-242
Engineering and Ginning

A model was developed for the design and analysis of a high-temperature tunnel dryer used in the production of a new cotton ginning product, EASIflo cottonseed (starch-coated cottonseed). This form of cottonseed has emerged as a viable, value-added product for the cotton ginning industry. Currently, little information exists on dryer engineering, an essential component and major expense for the starch-coating cottonseed process. In this study, a mathematical computational fluid dynamic model is presented that models the drying process. This model is being used as a tool to optimize the design of commercial dryers in place today and in future facilities.