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Issue 3 Table of Contents

 Issue Editors
Agronomy and Soils
Winter Annual Cover Crops in a Virginia No-till Cotton Production System: I. Biomass Production, Ground Cover, and Nitrogen Assimilation
J.B. Daniel, A.O. Abaye, M.M. Alley, C.W. Adcock, and J.C. Maitland
Pages: 74-83

Agronomy and Soils
Winter Annual Cover Crops in a Virginia No-till Cotton Production System: II. Cover Crop and Tillage Effects on Soil Moisture, Cotton Yield, and Cotton Quality
J.B. Daniel, A.O. Abaye, M.M. Alley, C.W. Adcock, and J.C. Maitland
Pages: 84-91

Arthropod Management
Laboratory and Field Evaluations of <em>Bacillus thuringiensis</em> Berliner Insecticides Against Tobacco Budworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
C. A. White, B. R. Leonard, E. Burris and J. B. Graves
Pages: 92-101

Arthropod Management
Survival of Selected Generalist Predaceous Insects Exposed to Insecticide Residues on Cotton
Gloria S. McCutcheon and John DuRant
Pages: 102-108

Economics and Marketing
Economics of Broadcast and Injected Nitrogen on No-Till Cotton Produced at Three Locations in Tennessee
Roland K. Roberts, Donald D. Howard, C. Owen Gwathmey, and David E. Sleigh
Pages: 109-115

Economics and Marketing
Economics of Using an Adjuvant with Foliar Potassium Nitrate (KNO<sub>3</sub>) on Cotton
Roland K. Roberts, Justin M. Gersman, and Donald D. Howard
Pages: 116-121

Engineering and Ginning
Increasing Picker Efficiency by Using a Boll Saver Attachment
Ahmad Khalilian, Michael J. Sullivan, and John D. Mueller
Pages: 122-125

Agronomy and Soils
Evaluation of Calcium Nitrate as an In-furrow Applied Starter For Cotton
D.D. Howard, M.E. Essington, and G.M. Lessman
Pages: 126-131

Weed Science
Cotton Response to Temperature and Pyrithiobac
Katherine M. Jennings, A. Stanley Culpepper, and Alan C. York
Pages: 132-138

Breeding and Genetics
(Contemporary Issue) Public Cotton Breeders - Do We Need Them?
Daryl T. Bowman
Pages: 139-152