Development of a New Whitefly TrapAuthors:
Chang-chi Chu and Thomas J. Henneberry
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The CC trap was designed to capture whitefly (Bemisia spp.) adults for survey, monitoring, and sampling in the field and in the greenhouse. The trap design was based on whitefly adult behavioral attraction to yellow color, flight orientation to sky light when leaving host plants, and walking to shade when landing on a new host for feeding and egg laying. The trap does not use sticky materials or bait. It can be placed in greenhouses or fields for extended periods without saturation catches of whitefly adults. The trap does not catch many other insect types and avoids dust contamination. It is washable, reusable, inexpensive, and easy to use. Whiteflies caught can be counted against a dark background without the aid of a microscope. It may also have potential for supplementary adult whitefly control in greenhouses where parasites are released for the control of whitefly nymphs since it does not catch many Eretmocerus spp. parasites. The trap can also be used as a research tool for studying whitefly activity in the field.