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LOGO: Journal of Cotton Science


Issue 1 Table of Contents

 Issue Editors
Agronomy and Soils
Harvest-Aid Interactions under Different Temperature Regimes in Field-Grown Cotton
C. Owen Gwathmey and Robert M. Hayes
Pages: 01-28

Molecular Biology and Physiology
Effect of Lyophilization of Cotton Tissue on Quality of Extractable DNA, RNA, and Protein
Sukumar Saha, Franklin E. Callahan, Douglas A. Dollar, and John B. Creech
Pages: 10-14

Plant Pathology and Nematology
Field Control of Cotton Seedling Diseases with Trichoderma virens in Combination with Fungicide Seed Treatments
Charles R. Howell, James E. DeVay, Richard H. Garber, and William E. Batson
Pages: 15-20

Arthropod Management
Susceptibility of Fall Armyworm Collected from Different Plant Hosts to Selected Insecticides and Transgenic Bt Cotton
John J. Adamczyk, Jr., Jonathan W. Holloway, Billy R. Leonard, and Jerry B. Graves
Pages: 21-28

Molecular Biology and Physiology
In-Season Evaluation of Subsurface Drip and Nitrogen-Application Method for Supplying Nitrogen and Water to Cotton
Philip J. Bauer, Patrick G. Hunt, and Carl R. Camp
Pages: 29-37

Molecular Biology and Physiology
Changes in Cotton Root Proteins Correlated with Resistance to Root Knot Nematode Development
Franklin E. Callahan, Johnie N. Jenkins, Roy G. Creech, and Gary W. Lawrence
Pages: 38-47

Textile Technology
Small-Sample Cotton Fiber Quality Quantitation
Judith M. Bradow, Lynda H. Wartelle, Philip J. Bauer, and Gretchen F. Sassenrath-Cole
Pages: 48-60

Textile Technology
Improved High Volume Instrument Elongation Measurements
C. Roger Riley, Jr.
Pages: 61-71

Weed Science
Monosodium Methanearsonate Influence on Broadleaf Weed Control with Selected Postemergence-Directed Cotton Herbicides
David Jordan, Marilyn McClelland, Andy Kendig, and Robert Frans
Pages: 72-75