Fast Atom Bombardment Mass as a Rapid and Quantitative Method for Screening Fatty Acids Within Human Lung: Applications to Chronic Byssinosis

Ana Fraiman, Nancy J. Phillips, William S. Lynn, and David G. Lynn


Last year at this meeting we reported the presence of our unique keto fatty acids present in postmortem lung lavage of cotton mill workers (1). These compounds showed high levels of cytotoxicity toward cultured mammalian KB cells and were general activators of inflammatory cells (2). The observation that the presence of these acids correlated with cotton mill exposure has led us to develop a rapid screening method using Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectrometry for the detection of these compounds in human bronchoscopic lavage.

Reprinted from 1986 Proceedings: Tenth Cotton Dust Research Conference pp. 157 - 159
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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