Reactions in Humans after Exposure to Pure and Cell Bound Endotoxin

R. Rylander, B. Bake, and J. Fischer


Endotoxin was prepared from Enterobacter agglomerans. One preparation was a purified lipopolysaccharide (PE) the other endotoxin bound to cell walls (CE). Test persons were exposed to 10-30 µg of these preparations. After exposure to PE, the FEV(1) as measured after four hours was decreased in a dose-related manner. CE caused a larger decrease than PE. DLCO was more decreased after exposure to PE. Fever occurred in the majority of subjects and several developed subjective symptoms of chest tightness.

Reprinted from 1986 Proceedings: Tenth Cotton Dust Research Conference pp. 114 - 115
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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