Tests were conducted in 1983 through 1985 to determine the feasibility of using postemergence grass herbicides as replacements for dinitroaniline herbicides to control annual grasses in cotton. Treatments included two dinitroaniline herbicides. Treflan (trifluralin) and Prowl (pendimethalin), preplant incorporated at labeled rates and one or two postemergence applications of Poast (sethoxydim) and Fusilade (fluazifop-p-butyl) at 1/2 and 1 X rates. All plots received at preemergence application of Cotoran (fluometuron) for the control of broadleaf weeds. In heavy infestations of broadleaf signalgrass (Brach iaria platyphylla (Griseb.) Nash) or large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop.), two postemergence applications of either Poast or Fusilade resulted in grass control and cotton yield similar to or exceeding that obtained with the dinitroaniline herbicides. In most cases, the 1/2 X rate of Poast or Fusilade was as effective as the 1 X rate. One postemergence application was sufficient to avoid a yield reduction due to grass competition but enough grasses emerged after the treatment to cause lint contamination. In fields with a light infestation of grasses, the preemergence application of Cotoran gave adequate grass control and the addition of either a dinitroaniline or a postemergence grass herbicide gave no benefits. Fiber length, strength, uniformity, and micronaire were similar with the dinitroaniline and postemergence grass herbicide treatments.