Initial Experience with the Microdust and Trash Monitor (MTM)

F.M. Shofner, J.H. Hanley, W.F. Lalor, and G.F. Williams


The MTM is a new direct-reading instrument which aeromechanically releases and separates foreign matter (microdust and trash) from fiber. The equipment per mits rapid determination of the effectiveness of lint cleaners and of the influence of other ginning or mill processing parameters.

We report two sets of data. One is from the laboratory and indicates the performance of an experimental prototype, gin version, MTM-GX, and the correlation of its readings of microdust and trash with other methods of measurement. The correlations of the electro-optical readings with gravimetric readings have proven to be high.

The second set of data are the initial results from an extended evaluation of the MTM in a full-scale gin during the '82 season.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 1983 Beltwide Cotton Dust Conference pp. 144 - 150
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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