Field studies were conducted in 1992 at Monte Alto, Texas, comparing the response of eight diverse cotton germplasm cultivars to three selected insect control strategies. A strain of an insect specific fungus, Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin, FTCC 74040, formulated as Naturalis-L, was effective and comparable in control of fleahoppers and boll weevils with the insecticide strategy of bifenthrin and acephate. The insect control strategy of Naturalis-L early - bifenthrin and acephate for the rest of the growing season also was effective and comparable in control of fleahoppers and boll weevils with the insecticide strategy. However, the insecticide strategy produced more lint than the other two insect control strategies at 130 days after planting. The Naturalis-L + insecticide (1056 lbs/a) and the insecticide (1115 lbs/a) strategies produced more lint than the Naturalis-L (902 lbs/a) strategy at 145 days after planting. Differences were not detected between cultivars with respect to fleahopper and boll weevil damage. However, lint yields of cultivars were different. There was no interaction between insect control strategies and cultivars. There was no effect of insect control strategy on fiber characteristics.