Risk Management from Stand to Harvest: Chemical Yield Enhancers and Fruiting

George P. Mullendore


Chlorodemiform (Galecron-Fundal) is not the only chemical yield enhancer. Previous speakers this afternoon have dealt with several chemicals that enhance yields, or have the capability of enhancing yields if properly utilized. Some additional comments will be made concerning these chemicals. Also, additional yield enhancer chemicals will be discussed. A chemical's ability to enhance yields depends on proper utilization of that chemical in concert with cotton plant's optimum growth and development. Any chemical that affects cotton plant's growth and development has potential to enhance yield. Chemical yield enhancers must be "fitted" into a production program in concert with climatic conditions that set perimeters of cotton growth and development.

Reprinted from 1985 Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Production Conference pp. 17 - 18
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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