Condenser Coverings to Reduce Gin Emissions

E.P. Columbus and W.S. Anthony


Five combinations of perforated metal and wire mesh condenser drum treatments (0.118 or 0.045-inch perforated metal; 70-, 80-, or 100-mesh wire) were evaluated on a battery condenser in a small-scale ginning system. Evaluation was accomplished with cotton at two different trash levels. When processing cotton without lint cleaning, total emissions (dust and fibrous) from the battery condenser were reduced 22 to 36% by using either fine perforated metal or by covering the reference condenser (0.118-inch perforated metal) with fine mesh wire, respectively. While the emissions from the condensers covered with fine mesh wire tended to be lower than that from the fine perforated metal covered condenser, the differences were not significant. Dust emissions were only slightly reduced, however fibrous emissions were effectively controlled by covering the condenser with either fine perforated metal or mesh wire. When processing cotton that had been subjected to two lint cleaners, only the condenser covered with the 70-mesh wire was significantly different from the reference. However, the emissions tended to be lower for the condensers covered with fine perforated metal as well as fine mesh wire. Condenser coverings had little or no affect on the particle size distribution of the emissions or the number of particles less than 10 microns in size.

Reprinted from 1991 Proceedings Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 973 - 975
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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