PE-350 was applied as preplant soil-incorporated or preemergence treatments to cotton at rates of 0.05 to 0.10 lb/A and at four postemergence stages of cotton from early postemergence to early bloom at rates ranging from 0.03 to 0.125 lb/A. All applications were made with a CO2 powered backpack sprayer delivering 20 gpa. The spray boom consisted of four 1100 fan tips operating at 24 psi. Plot size was 61 X 251.All treatments were replicated three or four times. The weed species present were Texas panicum, sicklepod, Florida beggarweed, Florida pusley, smallflower morningglory, tall morningglory, palmer amaranth, and yellow nutsedge. Weed control data were collected approximately four weeks after treatment. Control was estimated visually from 0 = no effect to 100 = complete kill. Each treated plot was adjacent to an untreated plot. Soil moisture was good at planting. The first significant rain event occurred eight days after preemergence application. In general, Texas panicum and Florida pusley tolerated all rates and application times of PE-350. The best control of these species (approximately 85%) occurred from the application of PE350 controlled Florida begarweed but not sicklepod. Preplant soil-incorporated and preemergence applications of PE-350 generally gave 90-100% control of these species. Palmer amaranth was susceptible to all rates of PE-350 at all application times except at the salvage or early bloom stage. Yellow nutsedge was suppressed or partly controlled by PE-350. Postemergence treatments were more effective on yellow nutsedge than preplant soil-incorporated or preemergence treatments. |
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN |
Document last modified Sunday, Dec 6 1998