Small Plot Testing of a Radiation Resistant Strain of Boll Weevil

E.J. Villavaso, W.L. McGovern, D.T. North, and J.W. Smith


A strain of boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis Bobeman, genetically selected for extended postirradiation survival and mating propensity in the laboratory was tested in isolated 1/4 acre field plots near Clinton, Louisiana. The genetically selected strain (RR) and a strain maintained at Mississippi State, MS (ST) were both reared and irradiated in North Dakota (= ST-ND). Males of these strains were compared to those of the ST strain mass-reared and irradiated in Mississippi (= ST-MS). Postirradiation survival and the ability of the RR strain to suppress egg hatch of untreated females over a two week period were not significantly different from that of the ST-ND or the ST-MS strains.

Reprinted from 1991 Proceedings Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 680 - 681
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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