Survival of Microplitis croceipes exposed to residues of insecticides on cotton was measured in 1986 and in 1989. Recommended rates of Asana, Larvin, Cygon, Capture, and Orthene were evaluated in both years. Compounds tested only in 1986 were Galecron, Mavrik, Cymbush, Cymbush combined with Galecron, and Larvin combined with Galecron. Compounds tested only in 1989 were Ammo, Vydate, Bidrin, Karate, and Curacron. In check treatments, which were unsprayed, survival was 79.9% after 48 h in 1986 and 91.4% after 24 h in 1989. The organophosphates Curacron and Orthene and the newer generation pyrethroid, Capture, were barely tolerated by M. croceipes. Greater survival (Tc + SE) was exhibited by parasitoids exposed to residues of the pyrethroids Asana (93.1%) and Ammo (90.4%) for 24 h in 1989. Results indicate that use of insecticides of which M. croceipes is tolerant may result in the preservation of this natural enemy of Heliothis spp. in cotton.