Field Evaluation of Selected Candidate Ovicides Against Heliothis Spp. On Cotton

John A. DuRant


Fourteen insecticide treatments were evaluated in a field study for effectiveness against Heliothis spp. eggs and newly hatched larvae on cotton. Treatments were applied on July 18, 1989 and white (newly laid) eggs were collected on July 18, 19, and 21 and observed for ovicidal and eclosion mortality. All treatments (lb [Al]/acre)were significantly superior to the untreated check for the July 18 eggs: Karate (0. 02, 0.025), Curacron (0.125, 0.25), Lannate (0.0625, 0.125), SN 49844 (0.125), Baythroid (0.03), Scout (0.018), Larvin (0.125), Ovasyn (0.125), Scout + Ovasyn (0.018 + 0.125), Scout + Larvin (0.018 + 0.125), and Scout + Larvin (0.002 + 0.3). For the July 19 eggs, all treatments except Curacron, Lannate, SN 49844, Larvin, and Ovasyn produced significantly greater total (ovicidal + eclosion) mortality than the check. For the July 21 eggs, only Karate, Baythroid, and Scout were significantly superior to the check; the Scout +. Ovasyn and Scout + Larvin treatments failed to significantly increase total mortality.

Reprinted from 1990 Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences pp. 265 - 267
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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