High Condensed Tannin and Heliothis Sp. Resistance; Biological Effect on Larvae Damage and Larvae Effects on Yield

M.F. Schuster, M.P. Gibbs, and W.C. Smith


High condensed tannin breeding lines were evaluated for Heliothis resistance and yield response during 1988 and 1989. Two split-block experiments containing a natural Heliothis infested block were evaluated for Heliothis damage to squares and bolls and the effect on yield was compared.

A split-block experiment with sib-lines was conducted with biological and chemical insecticides to evaluate possible interactions. Condensed tannin in breeding lines varied up to 1.5 times in content when compared to common cultivars.

Heliothis square damage varied with tannin content which suggests that feeding deterrents increased square feeding. Boll damage was decreased by no significantly. Yields were reduced and resistance was not evident at the tannin levels tested.

The control of boll damage was increased in the biological insecticide plots in the high tannin sib-line, mg, and in DP50 which contained the highest condensed tannin leaf, respectively.

Reprinted from 1990 Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences pp. 84 - 85
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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