Management of Heliothis Spp. In Cotton Following a Boll Weevil Eradication Program in South Carolina

M.E. Roof, S.G. Turnipseed, M.J. Sullivan, and R.G. Jones


A four year Heliothis spp. management study was conducted in South Carolina following the Boll Weevil Eradication Program. A commercial formulation of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) plus an ovicide (chlordimeform in 1985-87 and thiodicarb in 1988) was compared to a pyrethroid plus an ovicide in 26 on-farm tests. Cotton yields in fields treated with Bt + an ovicide were equivalent to those treated with pyrethroids + an ovicide in 13 of 26 tests. Average yields were 741.9 and 794.9 lbs lint/A respectively. Numbers of beneficial arthropods, stink bugs and plant bugs were greater in Bt treated fields.

Reprinted from Proceedings: 1989 Beltwide Cotton Research Conferences pg. 323
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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