Response of Guinea Pigs to Solvent-Extracted Cotton Dust

David Griffiths-Johnson, Kathryn Spear and Meryl Karol


The present study aimed to assess the importance of tannins to the pulmonary toxicity of DB 1/88 cotton dust. A solvent extraction procedure was employed to decrease tannin levels in the dust; however, no difference in pulmonary toxicity was found between the treated and untreated dusts. Dust samples collected from the settling chamber revealed only a partial decrease in tannin content (34 cf 25 mg tannin/g of dust). Further studies are in progress to enhance removal of tannins from the dust and assess toxicity using the guinea pig model.

Reprinted from Proceedings: 1989 Beltwide Cotton Dust Conference pp. 94 - 96
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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