Advances in Boll Weevil Production Technology: Alabama Sterile Release Program, 1987

Janine E. Powell, Jon L. Roberson, and Edgar G. King, Jr.


Rearing, sterilization, and packaging operations for the boll weevil were carried out successfully for the 1987 Alabama Sterile Release Program. A total of 11.2 million weevils were released over the nine weeks of June and July, averaging 1.25 + 0.15 (SD) million weevils/week. Mean weight (± SE) per weevil increased significantly (P < 0.05) from 13.1 + 0.2 mg before feed-out to 17.4 + 0.1 mg after feed-out. Required numbers of high quality weevils were produced on schedule using tray-form-seal equipment. Several technological advances were implemented during the 1987 program, resulting in improved production capabilities. These included 1) adding beta-carotene to the diet, 2) collecting and holding adult weevils from emergence cages in a chilled environment (12-15 C), 3) using large cages for feed-out (0.4 cu m), 4) using a diflubenzuron water dip treatment, and 5) restricting release of packaged weevils to morning periods.

Reprinted from 1988 Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences pp. 274 - 276
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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