Among registered chemical seed treatments for cotton, Gustafson's combination of Apron350FVitavax30C-Captan30DD continues to be a top performer in field trials. Also of much interest is the combination of Apron350F-Baytan30F (unregistered) which has exceptional activity against the major seedling pathogens including Thielaviopsis basicola. Other unregistered materials which have excellent activity against Rhizoatonia solani are Rizolex and Rovral. Weather and soil conditions at planting time in 1987 were ideal for seed germination and seedling development but were limiting for disease development and comparisons of soil and seed treatments. Preplant soil applications of Basamid-granular in greenhouse tests gave effective control of all seed and seedling pathogens. In other greenhouse tests, biological control of R. solani was obtained by infesting soil with Verticillium tricorpus. Trichoderma viride and Bacillus subtilus (Quantum 4000) continue to be effective for seedling disease control when applied to cotton seed in an alginatepyrax gel mixture hardened with calcium gluconate.