Whole Cottonseed as a Dairy Cattle Feed

Thomas H. White, Jr.


The limiting factor of mild production on many dairy farms is energy intake. Whole cottonseed (WCS) is very attractive as an ingredient in dairy cattle rations due to its high nutrient value in energy, protein, fiber and phosphorus. For many years, the maximum value of an ingredient from a nutritional basis was determined as measured against standards (corn, soybean oil meal). Today, computer formulated least-cost and profit maximizing rations determine the economic worth of an ingredient in a ration based upon production criteria, price of milk and other available commodities. The feeding value of WSC increases as the dairy herd production increases. The maximum price a dairyman may economically pay for WCS in rations of high production groups of herds will increase several fold as the requirements for greater density increases to maintain ration dry matter intake within a level the cow can adequately consume. Ether extract, crude protein, and calcium digestibility have increased with WCS in the diet while respiration rates declined with dry matter intake and increased cottonseed feeding (2).

Reprinted from 1987 Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences pp. 521 - 523
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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