Considerations in the Implementation of a Cotton Production Management Program

P.B. Goodell, T.A. Kerby, L.J. Zelinski, L.T. Wilson, and R.E. Plant


The transfer of complex technology to the agricultural sector can be difficult. The rate at technology is accepted is determined by its applicability, ease of use, and practicality. The rate of adoption can be improved if industry is encouraged to participate in the development of the technology. In California, the development of an integrated cotton production management model (CALEX-Cotton) is underway. An industry liaison and program review committees have been formed. The role of the former is to provide guidance and help establish priorities in developing the model. The role of the latter will be to test and critique the evolving model and suggest improvements. This production model has the potential to serve as a conduit between University researchers, Extension educators, and producers.

Reprinted from 1987 Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences pp. 213 - 214
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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