Seed Vigor Index - Field Emergence Relationship

Robert B. Metzer


Four seedlots of Tamcot Camd-E were selected to achieve a range in seed vigor index for field planting. The total percentages of the four day standard germination and the seven day cool test were used to determine the seed vigor index value. The values used in this study ranged from 63 to a of 133. Seedling emergence ratios in the field were made eight days after planting. Final stand count was recorded at first white bloom. Seed vigor values appear to be a useful indicator of seedling emergence rate and showed a high correlation with percent final stand. Fiber quality and yield results obtained from the four seedlots showed significant difference, but lint yields tended to decrease with lower vigor index values.

Reprinted from 1987 Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences pp. 130 - 131
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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