Cottonseed Treatment Technology: Development and Application of Chemical and Biological Control Agents and Industry View of Research Needs

Kyle W. Rushing


During the past forty years, mechanization and improved technology shifts by the entire cotton industry have forced many changes in the practices involved in cotton production. These changes, precision planting, irrigation, mechanical picking, modular storage of seed cotton, high speed ginning, mechanical handling of cotton seed, acid delinting of planting seed, and improvements in seed grading, treating, and packaging, etc, have effectively impacted the cottonseed industry as to variety selection and how cottonseed is handled. The development and application of seed treatment fungicides and insecticides have not been exempt from these changes. The desire for precision planting and stand establishment to uniform and specific stand regimes dictate maximum seed quality and the use of the most efficacious seed treatment products. Public and private industry has responded to these needs during the past ten years by providing new chemical control agents and application technology. The new era of seed treatment is in place. The areas of biological control agents and somatic bio-manipulation are actively being researched. New developments are on the horizon and these will dramatically affect cotton production as we know it in 1987.

Reprinted from 1987 Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences pp. 25 - 27
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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