Pinned Cylinders in Lint Cleaners Eugene P. Columbus |
646 |
Cotton Quality Processing Model Validation G.L. Barker, R.V. Baker and J.W. Laird |
649 |
Effect of Increasing the Number of Spikes on the Cylinder of an Incline Cleaner Weldon Laird |
652 |
Electrical Energy for Fiber-Seed Separation W. Stanley |
653 |
Heat Induced Changes in Cotton Fiber and Spun Yarns Donald E. Brushwood |
655 |
Effects of Grid and Saw Variables on Lint Cleaner Performance Roy V. Baker and Alan D. Brashears |
657 |
Another Look at Lint Cleaning for Maximum Market Value G.J. Mangialardi, Jr. |
660 |
Effects of Lint Cleaner Card Brush on Lint Quality and Turnout Gino J. Mangialardi, Jr. |
661 |
Gin Type Lint Cleaning at the Textile Mill Gordon F. Williams and Fredick M Shofne |
The Influence Factor C of the Cotton in the Cleaning Process Ferdinand Liefeld |
Determination of Damage to Cotton Fibers Caused B Ginning and Cleaning W.R. Goynes and D.T. Thibodeaux |
Document last modified Sunday, Dec 6 1998