Jan. 5-9, San Antonio, TX
Deborah A. Richter

Cotton Weed Science Research Conference
Table of Contents

Controlling Primrose with Low Rates of 2,4-D Alone and in Tank Mixtures

A. Stanley Culpepper and Alan C. York

Cotton Growth and Yield as Influenced by Clarity, Distinct, or 2,4-D

John D. Everitt, J. Wayne Keeling, and LeAnna L. Lyon

Cotton Response to Trifloxysulfuron in Arkansas.

M.B. Kelley, K.L. Smith, J.W. Branson, M.R. McClelland, J.L. Barrentine, and O.C. Sparks

Environmental Factors Influencing the Response of Cotton to Envoke

Stott Howard, Danny North, and Chuck Foresman

Roundup Ready Cotton Response to Staple and Envoke

Timothy L. Grey, A. Stanley Culpepper, Alan York, and A.M. Stewart

Weed Control and Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) Response to Combinations of Glyphosate an Trifloxysulfuron

Andrew J. Price, Clifford H. Koger, and Krishna N. Reddy

Envoke™, Weed Control for the Future

J.C. Holloway, S.M. Schraer, C.A.S. Pearson, C. Foresman, and H.S. McLean

Envoke Efficacy in Arizona Cotton

William B. McCloskey and Kwame O. Adu-Tutu

Weed Management in Cotton with Touchdown, Envoke and Suprend

P.A. Baumann, J.M. Chandler, F.T. Moore, G.L. Steele, and M.E. Matocha

Weed Management with Envoke and Suprend

Barry J. Brecke

Cotton Weed Control Programs with Suprend (Prometryn + Trifloxysulfuron)

Andy Kendig, Robert Cobill, Britton Hinklin, and Paula Ezell

Suprend™ Cotton Herbicide

S.M. Schraer, J.C. Holloway, Jr., H.S. McLean, C.A.S. Pearson, and C. Foresman

Postemergence Weed Control in Cotton with Sequence

D. Porterfield, H. McLean, and C. Foresman

Evaluation of Cinch® in Cotton Weed Control Programs

M.T. Kirkpatrick, D.B. Reynolds, J.C. Sanders, and J.J. Walton

Cotton Response to Postemergence Pendimethalin, Metolachlor, Dimethenamid, and Trifloxysulfuron-Sodium

Robert M. Hayes, C. Chism Craig, Larry S. Steckel, and Patricia A. Brawley

Comparison of Prowl Formulations for use in Cotton

Thomas Barber, Daniel B. Reynolds, Nathan W. Buehring, Jason J. Walton, and Matthew T. Kirkpatrick

Ozone Affects Competition between Cotton and Nutsedge

D.A. Grantz and Anil Shrestha

Evaluation of Weed Control and Cotton Growth and Yield in Conventional and Reduced Tillage Cotton Production

Kwame O. Adu-Tutu, William B. McCloskey, Stephen H. Husman, Michael J. Ottman, Patrick A. Clay, Edward C. Martin, and Trent Teegerstrom

Comparison of Glyphosate-Tolerant and Non-Glyphosate-Tolerant Varieties in Full and Reduced Tillage Cotton Production Systems

Wilson H. Faircloth, Michael G. Patterson, and Robert W. Goodman

Agronomic and Economic Evaluation of Roundup-Ready, BXN, and Conventional Weed Control Systems in Arkansas

K.E. Savage and D.P. Harlan

Light Activated Sprayer: Is it Worth the Cost?

D. Alan Peters, Peter A. Dotray, and J. Wayne Keeling

Weed Control in LibertyLink Cotton in Louisiana

S.T. Kelly, D.K. Miller, and M.S. Matthews

The Effects of Application Timing and Spray Additives on Glufosinate Performance

T.A. Baughman, P.A. Dotray, K.M. McCormick, J.C. Reed, and J.W. Keeling

Glufonsinate Herbicide: Efficacy against the Most Troublesome Weeds in U.S. Cotton-Growing Regions

Alan Hopkins, Keith Vodrazka, Russ Perkins, and Jim Collins

Economic Comparison of LibertyLink Cotton

K.M. McCormick, P.A. Dotray, J.W. Keeling, E. Segarra, T.A. Baughman, and W.R. Perkins

Simulated Glufosinate Drift on Three Glyphosate Resistant Cotton Varieties

Lawrence Steckel, Robert M. Hayes, C. Chism Craig, and Patricia A. Brawley

Evaluation of Aim and ET as Harvest-Aids in Cotton

Jason C. Sanders, Daniel B. Reynolds, L. Thomas Barber, and Nathan W. Buehring

Aim™ (Carfentrazone-Ethyl) Herbicide, A Multiple use Broadleaf Herbicide for Cotton and Other Crops

Joseph Reed, Rusty Mitchell, and Tom Crumby

Effects of Roundup Drift on Non-Roundup Ready Cotton

L.L. Lyon, J.W. Keeling, J.D. Everitt, and P.A. Dotray

Identification of Vegetative Indices and Best Spectral Bands for Differentiating Weed and Crop Species.

Thomas Barber, Daniel B. Reynolds, Jason C. Sanders, Nathan W. Buehring, Lori M. Bruce, and Matthew T. Kirkpatrick

Remote Sensing as a Possible Tool for Herbicide Drift Detection

Nathan W. Buehring, Daniel B. Reynolds, L. Thomas Barber, and Jason C. Sanders

Evaluation of Envoke, Staple and Cotoran Weed Management Systems

I.C. Burke, S.B. Clewis, J.W. Wilcut, C.T. Koger, D.K. Miller, D. Porterfield, and A.J. Price

Weed Control and Yield with Various LibertyLink Cotton Weed Management Systems

Wesley J. Everman, Ian C. Burke, John W. Wilcut, and Jim Collins

Comparisons of LibertyLink, Roundup-Ready, and Non-Transgenic Cotton Weed Management Systems

Walter E. Thomas, Wesley J. Everman, John W. Wilcut, and J. Collins

Weed Control, Crop Tolerance, and Cotton Yield with Touchdown, Dual Magnum, Caparol, and Envoke Weed Management Systems

S.B. Clewis, W. Everman, I.C. Burke, J.W. Wilcut, D. Miller, C. Koger, T. Baughman, A. Price, and D. Porterfield

Annual Grass Control with Glyphosate Tank-Mix Combinations

R.G. Parker, A.C. York, and A.S. Culpepper

Early Season Weed Competition in Roundup Flex Cotton

Blaine R. Walden, William K. Vencill, A. Stanley Culpepper, and W. Mark Braxton

Cotton Tolerance and Variety Sensitivity to Different Formulations of Glyphosate

Nathan W. Buehring, Daniel B. Reynolds, Normie W. Buehring, L. Thomas Barber, Jason W. Walton, and Matthew T. Kirkpatrick

Comparison of Glyphosate Products in Roundup Ready Cotton

R.G. Parker, A.C. York, A.S. Culpepper, and T. Grey

Staple use in Liberty- and Roundup-Tolerant Cotton

P.A. Dotray, T.A. Baughman, J.C. Reed, J.W. Keeling, and K.M. McCormick

The Impact of BTRR Cotton Varieties on Labor, Equipment and Environmental Quality

Dave Parvin

The Challenges of Managing Tropical Spiderwort (Commelina benghalensis) in Roundup Ready Cotton

J.T. Flanders, A.S. Culpepper, A.C. York, and B.J. Brecke

Managing Large Pitted Morningglory (Ipomoea lacunosa) in Roundup-Ready Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) with Layby Herbicides.

S.G. Wilson, A.S. Culpepper, and A.C. York

West Texas No-Till Systems utilizing Bollgard® with Roundup Ready® Varieties

Doug Fairbanks and Shea Murdock

Managing the Tough to Control Weeds in West Texas Roundup Ready® Cotton Systems

S.W. Murdock and D.E. Fairbanks

Annual and Perennial Weed Management in Roundup Ready Flex Cotton

J.W. Keeling, B.L. Joy, J.D. Everitt, L.L. Lyon, and P.A. Dotray

Weed Management in Roundup Ready Flex Cotton in Arizona

William B. McCloskey, Kwame O. Adu-Tutu, and T. Vint Hicks

Characterization of the Lead Roundup Ready® Flex Cotton Candidate

R. Eric Cerny, Scott Huber, Jeanna Groat, Amy Martens, Jesse Hart, Bernie Sammons, and Mark Oppenhuizen

An Update on Roundup Ready® Flex Cotton

J.A. Burns, R.E. Cerny, K.A. Croon, R.A. Ihrig, M.E. Oppenhuizen, B. Sammons, and R.D. Voth

Weed Control Programs in Roundup Ready Flex and LibertyLink Cotton

Jason J. Walton, Daniel B. Reynolds, and Jason C. Sanders

Weed Management in LibertyLink and Roundup Ready Flex Cotton

Alan C. York and A. Stanley Culpepper

Beltwide Review of Valor SX Weed Control in Roundup Ready Cotton

Todd Mayhew, John Altom, Frank Carey, John Cranmer, and William Odle

Broadleaf Weed and Early Season Insect Control with Envoke and Insecticide Co-Applications

M.S. Mathews, D.K. Miller, D.R. Lee, E. Burris, J.W. Wilcut, and R.G. Downer

Broadleaf Weed Control with Glufosinate as Influenced by Insecticide Co-Application

M.S. Mathews, D.K. Miller, E. Burris, B.R. Leonard, and R.G. Downer

Glufosinate-Resistant Cotton Response to Reduced Rates of Glyphosate

D.R. Lee, D.K. Miller, M.S. Mathews, A.M. Stewart, and B.R. Leonard

Glyphosate-Resistant Cotton Response to Reduced Rates of Glufosinate

D.R. Lee, D.K. Miller, M.S. Mathews, A.M. Stewart, and B.R. Leonard

Reduced Input Weed Control in Roundup Ready Cotton

D.K. Miller, M.S. Mathews, D.R. Lee, J.W. Wilcut, P.R. Vidrine, and S.T. Kelly

Utility of Envoke in Cotton Weed Control Programs

P. Roy Vidrine, A.M. Stewart, D.K. Miller, S.T. Kelly, J.D. Siebert, and D.M. Scroggs

Weed Control Programs in Roundup Ready Flex Cotton

D.K. Miller, M.S. Mathews, and D.R. Lee

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Document last modified 04/27/04