Crop Yields and Profitability of Rotations with Cotton
Donald J. Boquet, Kenneth Paxton, Ernest Clawson, and Wayne Ebelhar
Impact of Winter Annual Grazing and Conservation Tillage on Soil Properties and Crop Productivity in a Cotton-Peanut Rotation in the Coastal Plain
G. Siri-Prieto, D.W. Reeves, R.L. Raper, and B.E. Gamble
Cullars Rotation (C. 1911): America's Oldest Continuous Cotton Fertility Experiment
Charles C. Mitchell and Dennis Delaney
Tillage and Rotation Effects on Labile Organic Carbon and Aggregation in a Cotton Cropping System
Scott M. Kolodziej, Frank M. Hons, Alan L. Wright, and David A. Zuberer
Nutrient Management in Cotton-Sorghum Rotation vs. Cotton – Cotton Monoculture
J.D. Booker, K.F. Bronson, J.W. Keeling, and C.L. Trostle
Demonstrating the Benefits of Variable Rate Nitrogen Applications for California Cotton Production
Brock Taylor, Richard E. Plant, Bruce A. Roberts, and Dan Munk
Spatial Analysis of Precision Agriculture Data: An Approach to Improve Management Zone Delineation Procedures for Texas Cotton
Margarita Velandia, Roderick M. Rejesus, Eduardo Segarra, and Kevin Bronson
Variable-Rate Nitrogen and Water for Irrigated Cotton in the Southern High Plains
K.F. Bronson, J.W. Keeling, J.D. Booker, J.P. Bordovsky, M.N. Parajulee, T.A. Wheeler, and R.K. Boman
Fertilization of Cotton on Black Belt Prairie Soils in Alabama
C.C. Mitchell, D.P. Delaney, R.P.Yates, and G. Huluka
Broiler Litter as a Complete Nutrient Source for Cotton
H. Tewolde, D.E. Rowe, and K.R. Sistani
Impact of Crop Management and Weather on Soil Nitrogen Accumulation
T.J. Gerik, E.M. Steglich, J.R. Williams, W.L. Harman, M.L. McFarland, F.M. Hons, J. Stapper, E. Perez, D.D. Fromme, and R. Jahn
Selected Foliar CoRoN® Applications as an Aid in Cotton Fertility Management
Michael P. Richardson, John E. Matocha, Michael M. Kenty, and Jim Thomas
Foliar Potassium, Lint Yields, and Fiber Quality
Bobby Phipps, Gene Stevens, and David Dunn
Can we Predict K Fixation in the San Joaquin Valley from Soil Texture and Mineralogy?
M. Murashkina, R.J. Southard, G.S. Pettygrove, A.T. O'Geen, B.A. Roberts, D.S. Munk, B.H. Marsh, and S.D. Wright
Reduced Tillage Cotton and Tomato Production System Evaluations in California
Dan Munk, Jon Wroble, Jeff Mitchell, Karen Klonsky, Rich DeMoura, William Horwath, and Randy Southard
Conservation System Impacts on Cotton Water Relationships and Productivity at the Landscape Level
J.A. Terra, D.W. Reeves, J.N. Shaw, E. van Santen, P.L. Mask, and R.L. Raper
Conservation Tillage Effects on Infiltration and Irrigation Advance Times in Arizona Cotton
E.C. Martin, K.O. Adu-Tutu, and W.B. McCloskey
Ideal Irrigation Deficit for Mid-South Cotton based on Soil Type
Joe Henggeler
Cullars Rotation (C. 1911): America's Oldest Continuous Cotton Fertility Experiment
Charles C. Mitchell and Dennis Delaney
Changes in Soil Properties from Dairy Manure Amendments used for Cotton
Robert Flynn
Cotton Rotations in New Mexico
Robert Flynn
Cotton Yields in Conventional and Conservation Tillage Systems under Different Irrigation Levels
K.S. Balkcom, D.L. Rowland, and M.C. Lamb
Determining the Correct Nitrogen Rate or Cotton in a Cotton/Soybean Rotation
Bobby Phipps, Gene Stevens, and David Dunn
Effect of Fertigation Regimes and Lateral Spacing on Nutrient Movement and Uptake in Cotton
Selvaraj Somasundaram, V. Veerabadran, T. Ragavan, and N. Natarajan
Effect of Mid-Season Foliar Nutrients upon Cotton Yield and Lint Quality in Western Kansas
Gary Shafer
Effect of Soil-Applied Potassium and Micronutrients on Cotton Yield, Fiber Quality, Petiole Nutrients, and Soil Properties
M. Mozaffari, W.N. Miley, S.J. McConnell, N.A. Slaton, and E. Evans
Evaluating CoRoN™ based Nutritional Systems for Cotton Production
Michael M. Kenty, James M. Thomas, Donald D. Howard, J.C. Banks, Shane Osborne, Charlie Burmester, Normie Buehring, Robert R. Dobbs, Mark P. Harrison, Jim Camberato, Chism Craig, David Dunn, William E. Stevens, Keith Edminsten, Glen Harris, Merrit Holman, John Matocha, J. Scott McConnell, A.M. Stewart, and Bill Weir
Foliar Nutrition for Texas Dryland Cotton
Robert C. Wilbur
Modeling Soil Erosion in Conservation Tillage Cotton Production Systems using the RUSLE Model
V. Jakkula, E.Z. Nyakatawa, and K.C. Reddy
Nitrogen Fertilization of Ultra Narrow Row Cotton
J.S. McConnell, M. Mozaffari, B.A. Myers, and R.E. Glover
Residue Management and Tillage Effects on Cotton Establishment, Growth, and Yield
R. Scott Van Pelt and Calvin L. Trostle
Rotation, Tillage, and Nitrogen Rate Effects on Cotton Growth and Yield
F.M. Hons, A.L. Wright, S.M. Kolodziej, V.A. Saladino, R.L. Lemon, M.L. McFarland, and D.A. Zuberer
Soil CO2 Effluxes in Conventional and Conservation Tillage Systems with Poultry Litter Application
T. Roberson, E.Z. Nyakatawa, C.K. Reddy, and R.L. Raper
Soil Influences on Water Uptake Patterns in Cotton
Daniel Munk
Spatial Variability of Enzyme Activities, Chemical Properties, and Plant Characteristics in a Semiarid Soil
R.J. Lascano, J. Booker, D.R. Upchurch, V. Acosta-Martínez, B.M. McMichael, and S. Maas
Using a Handheld Digital Camera to Monitor Bt and Non-Bt Cotton Varieties with Different Levels of Nitrogen and Potassium
M.A. Delaney, D.P. Delaney, C.D. Monks, C. Mitchell, R. Goodman, and D. Moore