Spindle Picker 15-Inch Row Pattern Influence on Lint Yield and Plant Characteristics: One Year's Progress
N.W. Buehring, M.P. Harrison, R.R. Dobbs, M.H. Willcutt, E.P. Columbus, T.C. Needham, and J.B. Phelps
Evaluation of a 15-Inch Spindle Harvester in Various Row Patterns: One Year's Progress
M.H. Willcutt, E.P. Columbus, N.W. Buehring, M.P. Harrison, and R.R. Dobbs
Quality of Spindle-Picked Cotton
Kevin D. Baker, S. Ed Hughs, and James Mackey
Instantaneous Accuracy of Cotton Yield Monitors
Calvin Perry, George Vellidis, Natasha Wells, Rodney Hill, Andrew Knowlton, Eugene Hart, and Dewayne Dales
The Economic Impact of a Cotton Picker with an Onboard Module Builder
D.W. Parvin
Viscoelastic Properties of Seed Cotton and their Effect on Module Shape and Density
Robert G. Hardin, IV, Stephen W. Searcy, and Shay L. Simpson
2003 Thermal Defoliation Trials
Paul A. Funk, Carlos B. Armijo, David D. McAlister, III, Alan D. Brashears, Michael R. McGuire, Brad E. Lewis, Robert B. Hutmacher, and Bruce A. Roberts
Precision Agriculture: A Tool for COTMAN
David W. Geiger, Stephen W. Searcy, and Dan D. Fromme
Seed-Specific Chemical Application System: Field Testing and Improvements
John Wilkerson, John Hancock, Henry Moody, and Melvin Newman
Uncertainty Associated with Particulate Matter Concentration Measurements from Agricultural Operations
Jacqueline E. Price, Ron E. Lacey, Bryan W. Shaw, and Calvin B. Parnell, Jr.
A Theoretical Approach to Correcting PM10 Oversampling Problem for Agricultural Dust
Lingjuan Wang, Calvin B. Parnell, Jr., Bryan W. Shaw, Ronald E. Lacey, Barry L. Goodrich, Sergio C. Capareda, and Michael D. Buser
Comparison of Strip Tillage Systems in Coastal Plain Soils for Cotton Production
Ahmad Khalilian, Michael Jones, Mike Sullivan, James Frederick, Phil Bauer, and Warren Busscher
Modeling Soil Compaction with Soil Electrical Conductivity and Yield for Cotton
Subodh Kulkarni, Sreekala Bajwa, Gary Huitink, Bill Baker, and Mitch Crow
Site-Specific Application of Cotton Harvest Aids using Remotely Sensed Imagery
Jon J. Fridgen, Susan White, Bruce Roberts, and Ted Sheely
Spectral Reflectance Estimates of Cotton Biomass and Yield
Donald F. Wanjura, Dan R. Upchurch, and Steve Maas
Remotely Sensed versus Ground-Based Weed Mapping in Cotton
Ruixiu Sui, J. Alex Thomasson, Shea Fox, James Hanks, and James Wooten
Remotely Sensed Plant Height Input to Cotton Growth Model in GIS Framework
J. Alex Thomasson, Swapna Gogineni, Bulli M. Kolla, James M. McKinion, Javed Iqbal, and Ruixiu Sui
Whatever Happened to GOSSYM?
Mariquita Y.L. Boone, Raja K. Reddy, David W. Brand, and Vangimalla R. Reddy
Sensitivity of GOSSYM Cotton Growth Model to Soil Variability and Site-Specific Management
R.W. Clouse and S.W. Searcy
Determining the Optimum Timing for the Final Drip Irrigation on Cotton based on Crop Monitoring: West Texas
Warren Multer, Jeremy Gully, C.G. Sansone, and Stephen Biles
Determining the Optimum Timing for the Final Irrigation on Mid-South Cotton
Earl Vories, Tina Teague, Jeremy Greene, William Robertson, Phil Tacker, Jason Stewart, Bobby Phipps, Joel Faircloth, and Ernie Clawson
Water use Comparison of Long and Medium Maturity Cotton in the San Joaquin Valley
Daniel S. Munk, Jon Wroble, Richard L. Snyder, Robert Hutmacher, and Jerry Robb
Economics of Subsurface Drip-Line Spacing for Cotton
J. Enciso-Medina, B. Thompson, J. Robinson, and W.L. Multer
Minimum Subsoiling Frequency for Conservation Systems in the Tennessee Valley
R.L. Raper, E.B. Schwab, K.S. Balkcom, C.H. Burmester, and D. Wayne Reeves
Arkansas Irrigation Scheduling Computer Program – A Decision Aid
Phil Tacker, Earl Vories, Wayne Smith, and Andy Vangilder
California Ag 20/20 Project – Developing Remote Sensing Aids for Cotton
J.C. Ojala and B.A. Roberts
Leaf Indices to Quantify Nitrogen in Cotton
J. Ojala, W. DeTar, J. Chesson, V. Penner, and H. Funk