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2002 Field Evaluation of Cotton Cultivar Response to Reniform Nematodes

C.G. Cook, A.F. Robinson, A.C. Bridges, A.E. Percival, W.B. Prince, J.M. Bradford, and J.A. Bautista


In recent years, reniform nematodes have become a serious pest to U.S. cotton production. The USDA-ARS at Weslaco, TX has maintained a nursery for evaluating cotton cultivar response to reniform nematodes. Thirty-six entries from private and public breeding programs were evaluated in 2002. Average yield reduction between the fumigated and reniform nematode infested plots was 22.5%. Fourteen entries had significantly higher lint yields than Stoneville 474 in the reniform nematode infested plots. Four entries in the fumigated treatment, Jajo 8185, DPL 545BG/RR, Syngenta NX RN00516, and DPX 03X133, produced higher yields than Stoneville 474. Percent yield loss between treatments were lowest for Syngenta NX 00VC151 (10.3%), Syngenta NX 2723ct (12.2%), Phytogen PSC 01NM-477 (12.8%), Syngenta NX 00VC133 (14.5%) and Phytogen PSC 01NM-481 (14.5%). Reduction in yield between treatments was greatest for Stoneville 474 (33.2%).

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Document last modified April 16, 2003