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2002 Field Evaluation of Cotton Cultivar Response to Reniform Nematodes
ABSTRACT In recent years, reniform nematodes have become a serious pest to U.S. cotton production. The USDA-ARS at Weslaco, TX has maintained a nursery for evaluating cotton cultivar response to reniform nematodes. Thirty-six entries from private and public breeding programs were evaluated in 2002. Average yield reduction between the fumigated and reniform nematode infested plots was 22.5%. Fourteen entries had significantly higher lint yields than Stoneville 474 in the reniform nematode infested plots. Four entries in the fumigated treatment, Jajo 8185, DPL 545BG/RR, Syngenta NX RN00516, and DPX 03X133, produced higher yields than Stoneville 474. Percent yield loss between treatments were lowest for Syngenta NX 00VC151 (10.3%), Syngenta NX 2723ct (12.2%), Phytogen PSC 01NM-477 (12.8%), Syngenta NX 00VC133 (14.5%) and Phytogen PSC 01NM-481 (14.5%). Reduction in yield between treatments was greatest for Stoneville 474 (33.2%). |
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN |
Document last modified April 16, 2003