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Abrasiveness of cotton gin by-products (CGB) is a major cost factor associated with processes designed to add value or handle them. Costs associated with CGB cleaning and equipment wear often times amount to half the cost of processing. A value-added process, known as the COBY process, developed at the Lubbock, TX USDA-ARS Cotton Ginning Laboratory showed signs of reducing the abrasiveness of CGB. In an effort to determine if and to what degree the abrasiveness was reduced, wear tests were performed using COBY process equipment. Reduction in CGB abrasiveness was evaluated using three different treatments. The treatments included applying: 1) 4% hot water, 2) a 4% gelatinized starch and hot water mixture, and 3) a 4% gelatinized starch and a 4% dry starch mixture (4%-4%). Results indicate that wear was significantly reduced, 27 to 29%, by adding gelatinized starch to the CGB being processed. |
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN |
Document last modified XXXXXX, XXX XX 2001