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Three-Year Performance Summary of New Soil and Seed Applied Systemic Insecticides on Cotton

Roy D. Parker and Dan D. Fromme


Data from 4 field tests conducted along the Texas Gulf Coast from 1998-2000 were combined for analysis of the effects of seed (Adage and Gaucho) and soil applied (Temik) systemic insecticides on thrips. In this analysis, thrips numbers on 2-5 leaf cotton, plant damage ratings, boll production, lint per boll, lint yield and economic impacts are reported. Statistical differences were not found in thrips numbers between insecticide treatments. Adage and Temik treatments contained significantly fewer thrips than untreated cotton; thrips numbers in Gaucho treated cotton were numerically (not statistically) lower than those in untreated cotton. All insecticide treatments had statistically lower plant damage ratings, greater numbers of harvested bolls and more lint production than untreated cotton. Lint yield increase in insecticide treatments ranged from 72-101 lb/acre.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 2001 Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 1130 - 1131
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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