The crop monitoring program COTMAN TM follows fruiting progress during
squaring and flowering in relation to main-stem nodal development and
assists with end-of-season management decisions. In order to evaluate this
fruiting growth pattern, a 3-year study was conducted in four geographical
locations: Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, and Virginia. The objectives of
this study were (1) to characterize the target growth curve (TDC) in cotton
with regard to calendar days for several geographical locations between
major phenological stages [pinhead square (PS), first flower (FF), and
physiological cutout (NAWF=5)], and (2) to determine the effect of
production management inputs, mepiquat chloride (MC) and low soil
nitrogen status (low N) on the fruiting curve. The treatments consisted of (1) an untreated control, (2) MC applied at PS and FF, and (3) low N (at
70% of the recommended value). First position white flowers were tagged
with jeweler tags on the main stem node branch at NAWF=7, NAWF=6,
NAWF=5 and NAWF=4. The results from this study showed that the three
treatments in all locations tracked the TDC with slight variations among
locations. In general, plant development was slower for all treatments,
except in Louisiana (1997-1999) and Georgia (1998) which had an early
initiation of flowering. Overall, the apogee at FF was 8 or less compared to
the TDC (9.25). MC effectively reduced plant height compared with the
untreated control and low N treatments. Plants treated with MC, followed
by low N had a premature cutout as compared to the untreated control. On
the contrary, the low N treatment in Georgia exhibited a premature cutout
in 1997 and 1998. In Virginia in 1998, there were no differences in cutout
between low N and MC treatments, but MC treated plants had an earlier
cutout in 1999. Fruit retention appeared to drop constantly between
NAWF=7 and 4 in Arkansas (1997 and 1998) and Louisiana (1997-1999).
In Georgia in 1999, fruit retention dropped between NAWF=5 and 3, but
it seemed constant between NAWF=7 and 4 in Arkansas in 1999, and
Georgia in 1997 and 1998. In relation to the number of bolls required to
produce one pound of seedcotton, these data did not show a clear trend in
all locations. The MC treatment seemed to reach cutout at around NAWF=4
to 5 and the low N treatment reached cutout at NAWF=4. There was some
evidence of a higher nodal cutout in Arkansas in 1999 and Louisiana in
1997 and 1999. It can be concluded that low N and MC treatments changed
the TDC, leading to a delayed and lower apogee value at FF, and premature
cutout, compared to the untreated control. Low N and MC treatments
showed a lower NAWF value for cutout.