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Computerized Collection and Analysis of HVI Data

V. V. Poceciun, B. Temkin, M. D. Ethridge and E. Hequet


Synergy of the new computer technology and the latest achievements in cotton industry produces indisputable benefits. Integrating computerized methods of data collection, increasing precision in calculations, reducing the human-induced errors in the cotton testing procedures increase effectiveness and productivity.

The main scope of the article is to present the software system designed for capturing, checking the instrument, transferring, organizing test data received from the HVI machine during all its operations, particularly, machine calibration, reference cotton testing, and commercial material runs at the International Textile Center, Lubbock TX. The system furnishes dynamic Database construction, directly from the HVI machine output text file. Quality of the testing is significantly improved by introducing automated calibration check calculations and options for registering operator's effect during testing. Straightforward graphical user interface, especially designed for novice computer operators, provides visual reference tools and is simple enough to require minimum training time for the HVI machine technicians.

Versatile structure of the system prototype allows potential application of the program for a wide variety of data manipulation tasks, offering platform and Database independence capabilities.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 1999 Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 673 - 676
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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Document last modified Monday, Jun 21 1999