There is great need within the cotton/textile complex for an advanced software system designed for (1) online quality control of data produced by various cotton testing instruments, (2) rapid collection and immediate processing of it for integration into a distributive database, and (3) distributive resource (data and information) access for versatile analysis in a user-friendly graphical manner and instant visualization of results. The system reported here fulfills these needs. It is called the "Cotton Analysis and Database Interface System (CAnDIS)." CAnDIS is platform independent (i.e. it is independent of computer operating systems and thus compatible with Windows, Mac, Solaris, etc.) and database management systems independent (compatible with MS Access, Fox Pro, Oracle, etc.). It has a next-generation "graphical user interface" that makes data querying transparent to the user. These features are made possible by the integration of CAnDIS with advanced computer technologies; e.g., Internet, distributive database management tools, and new programming techniques and design tools. Through a specially designed network solution these features allows real-time access to and analysis of various data from diverse locations. The objective for CAnDIS is to facilitate decision-making processes, which starts with fiber characterization and (with system extension) can go all the way to textile manufacturing.