Effective tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois), control was accomplished with foliar applied insecticides. Orthene® 90S at 0.5 lb ai/A and 1.0 lb ai/A consistently gave the greatest reduction in nymphs and adults. Several pyrethroids, including Baythroid® 2EC, Karate® 1EC and 1CS, and Fury® 1.5EC gave good plant bug control, but some cases of variable effectiveness may be the result of pyrethroid resistance in the population. Bidrin® 8 (0.25 lb ai/A), Provado® 1.6F (0.047 lb ai/A), and Monitor® 4EC (0.31 lb ai/A) provided effective control. Regent® 2.5EC (0.038 lb ai/A) significantly reduced plant bug infestation and is a promising new product. Furadan® 4F at 0.25 lb ai/A provided a moderate level of tarnished plant bug control, which would be a beneficial side effect when used against another primary target pest such as cotton aphid.