Field trials were conducted in 1996 and 1997 to select the most effective products that would reduce plant bug numbers, protect beneficial arthropod populations, and minimize square shed. We found Regent and Provado to be consistently effective against plant bugs. Bidrin performed well in 1997 but tended to be less effective at the 4.8 oz/acre rate in 1996 while Orthene seemed to exhibit a trend toward weaker performance. Among the tank mix treatments, Provado 70WG + Baythroid in 1996, and Vydate + Bidrin in 1997 provided good plant bug suppression. Vydate and Dimethoate were consistently soft on beneficials while Regent and Orthene were consistently harsher. Bidrin and Provado showed a consistent tendency toward intermediate toxicity against beneficial insects. YCR at the high rate (.056 lb/a) seems to offer an excellent square protection compared with the rest of the compounds tested in this study. Provado performed very well in this study and showed similar square retention values at the two rates tested (3.75 oz/A, 2 oz/A).