Experiments were conducted at seven locations in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas to investigate weed control, cotton tolerance, and yield of new transgenic herbicide resistant varieties (Gossypium hirsutum) with standard non-transgenic varieties. The non-transgenic cotton varieties planted included Stoneville 474 in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Mississippi, and Tennessee and DPL 50 in Texas. The BXN varieties planted were BXN 47 in all states except Florida (BXN 57). The Roundup Ready varieties included DPL 5690RR in Texas, DPL 5415RR in Georgia and Florida, Paymaster 1220RR in Tennessee, and Paymaster 1330RR in North Carolina. There were weed-free checks for the non-transgenic variety, the BXN variety, and the Roundup Ready variety in each location which allowed for direct comparison of the yield potential. These weed-free plots were treated with Treflan at 1.0 to 1.5 pints/ac preplant incorporated (PPI) plus Cotoran preemergence (PRE) at 2 to 3 pints/acre. Plots were maintained weed free with additional hand weedings.