Excellent (> 90%) control of common cocklebur, jimsonweed, morningglory spp., and coffee senna was achieved with Buctril. However, Buctril provided poor to fair control of Palmer amaranth and no control of sicklepod. Preemergence (PRE) applications of Cotoran and postemergence-directed treatments were needed to achieve satisfactory season-long control of Palmer amaranth and sicklepod. Eighty-seven percent of the growers in South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia who used Buctril reported acceptable control of broadleaf weeds including morningglory spp., common cocklebur, smartweed spp., common lambsquarters, jimsonweed, and ragweed. However, these growers reported unacceptable control of sicklepod and Palmer amaranth. The majority of the growers who planted BXNTM cotton were not satisfied with boll opening, lint yield, and grade.