DuPont's initial field tests with "Staple" (pyrithiobac sodium) Herbicide occurred in 1990. After several years of extensive independent studies with Staple, a series of program tests were initiated in cooperation with several universities across the belt. Researchers were to evaluate Staple's performance as part of a grower's weed control program. The weed control programs that included Staple would be compared to the standard program for a particular area. In these tests, Staple was applied as an early postemergence treatment at rates of 1-1.5 oz ai/A. Results from the southeast and mid-south provided comparable weed control across the various programs tested. Cotton yields were numerically better on average when Staple was included in the weed control program for these two areas. In the West Texas studies, Staple added considerably more to the control of the problem weed, devil's claw (proboscidea louisianica) and yield results were consistently improved with the Staple programs. Yield results from the California and Arizona studies were improved with the Staple programs compared to the current standard programs. A reduction in the amount of time required to hand-hoe weed escapes was seen in the West Texas, California and Arizona tests. Staple applied early postemergence to cotton and weeds has proven to be a safe and effective part of weed control programs across the cotton belt.