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PICK-Mor™: A New Cotton Defoliant/Desiccant Harvest Aid from Moore Ag

Gordon Moore, J.J. Caswell, Mark Moore, John Klepper


MooreAg is an agricultural chemical company devoted to the production and harvesting of cotton in the United States and Mexico. Our primary products are Sodium Chlorate cotton defoliants, Zinc Sulfate, Ammoniated Zinc, custom foliar feeds, micro nutrients, AN-20, and Borosol. We have facilities in Texas and California that distribute to all regions of the country.

Our discussion today centers around the development and application of a new defoliant / desiccant designed by MooreAg that was sold in the 1995 Texas defoliant market for the first time under the trademark of PICK-Mor™.

In August of 1995, Moore Ag received approval for a "24c", Special Local Need Permit from the Texas Department of Agriculture for the production and sale of PICK-Mor™, for a 90 day period. Full EPA registration is anticipated in the 1st quarter of 1996 when EPA fully re-opens after the budget shutdown.

During the months of September and October, the product was field tested and applied on more than 30,000 acres of cotton along the High Plains and Rolling Plains of Texas. PICK-Mor™ was developed by Moore Ag, to act as a full featured, single treatment, defoliant/desiccant. When used in conjunction with a boll opener, PICK-Mor™ has proven its ability to desiccate and defoliate mature cotton plants, while at the same time providing substantial protection against terminal leaf regrowth prior to harvest.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 1996 Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 1518 - 1520
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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Document last modified Sunday, Dec 6 1998