Beet armyworms (Spodoptera exigua) (BAW) have recently become a significant economic pest on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) throughout the entire Cotton Belt. Although DIMILIN (diflubenzuron) is currently recommended for early control of BAW using a preemptive program of multiple applications at low rates, this study assessed using DIMILIN in grower's insect management programs to control higher infestations of BAW. DIMILIN was found to be effective in controlling BAW, as long as infestations were not at levels where no insecticide would perform. As an insect growth regulator, DIMILIN may not be as rapid as other insecticides in affecting BAW, but its persistence on the cotton foliage and favorable effects on beneficial insects make it a valuable tool in managing BAW, and other foliar feeding Lepidopterous pests.