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Beneficial Insects - Their Role in Cotton Pest Management Systems Founded on Naturalyte Insect Control

L.G. Peterson, D.J. Porteous, R.M. Huckaba, B.A. Nead, R.L. Gantz, J.M. Richardson, G.D. Thompson


Tracer* naturalyte insect control, the first product from the naturalyte class being developed by DowElanco, is a major new tool for the implementation of IPM in cotton. Tracer is highly effective against lepidopterous pests of cotton at low application rates and is safe to many beneficial arthropods making it ideal for use as a foundation product in cotton IPM programs. Observations from 1995 research and EUP trials are presented to demonstrate that Tracer along with the conserved beneficial arthropods, controlled budworms and bollworms in cotton, reduced square damage, minimized flaring of secondary insect pests, increased spray intervals and provided yields equal to the current standard programs. *Trademark of DowElanco

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 1996 Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 872 - 874
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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Document last modified Sunday, Dec 6 1998