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Issue 3 Table of Contents

Map of the variability in micronaire across an eastern Mississippi cotton field during one harvest season. Field patterns showed some consistency across two years, and micronaire had significant correlations to multiple soil variables. However, accurate prediction of micronaire based solely on soil properties does not appear to be possible.


Engineering and Ginning
Cotton Fiber-Quality Prediction Based on Spatial Variability in Soils
Rui Wang, J. Alex Thomasson, Michael S. Cox, Ruixiu Sui, and Elizabeth G. Marley Hollingsworth
Pages: 220-228
DOI: (
Map of the variability in micronaire across an eastern Mississippi cotton field during one harvest season. Field patterns showed some consistency across two years, and micronaire had significant correlations to multiple soil variables. However, accurate prediction of micronaire based solely on soil properties does not appear to be possible.

 Issue Editors
Agronomy and Soils
The Effects of Mepiquat Chloride Applied to Cotton at Early Bloom and Physiological Cutout
Guy D. Collins, Keith L. Edmisten, Randy Wells, and Jared R. Whitaker
Pages: 183-189
DOI: (

Breeding and Genetics
Performance of the Extra Long Staple Upland, Long Staple Upland, and Extra Strength Upland Fiber Traits in South Texas
Drutdaman Bhangu, C. Wayne Smith, and Steve Hague
Pages: 190-198
DOI: (

Engineering and Ginning
Roller Ginning
Carlos B. Armijo, Derek P. Whitelock, Joe W. Thomas, Sidney E. Hughs, and Marvis N. Gillum
Pages: 199-209
DOI: (

Engineering and Ginning
Textile Industry Needs
Christopher D. Delhom, Vikki B. Martin, and Martin K. Schreiner
Pages: 210-219
DOI: (

Engineering and Ginning
Cotton Fiber-Quality Prediction Based on Spatial Variability in Soils
Rui Wang, J. Alex Thomasson, Michael S. Cox, Ruixiu Sui, and Elizabeth G. Marley Hollingsworth
Pages: 220-228
DOI: (

Molecular Biology and Physiology
Stress Responses of Commercial Cotton Cultivars to Reduced Irrigation at Flowering and Maximization of Yields under Sub-Optimal Subsurface Drip Irrigation
John J. Burke, and Mauricio Ulloa
Pages: 229-241
DOI: (

Plant Pathology and Nematology
Rye Residue Levels Affect Suppression of the Southern Root-Knot Nematode in Cotton
Patricia Timper
Pages: 242-246
DOI: (

Textile Technology
Fiber Micronaire, Fineness, and Maturity Predictions Using NIR Spectroscopy Instruments on Seed Cotton and Cotton Fiber, in and Outside the Laboratory
Jimmy Zumba, James Rodgers, and Matthew Indest
Pages: 247-258
DOI: (