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LOGO: Journal of Cotton Science


Issue 2 Table of Contents

Three carrier gases considered in developing the Karl Fischer Titration and Low Temperature Distillation reference test methods for total water in lint cotton.


Textile Technology
Novel Studies of Non-Aqueous Volatiles in Lint Cotton Moisture Tests by Complementary Thermal Methods
Sherwin Y. Cheuk, Joe G. Montalvo Jr., and Terri M Von Hoven
Pages: 179-188

Three carrier gases considered in developing the Karl Fischer Titration and Low Temperature Distillation reference test methods for total water in lint cotton.

 Issue Editors
Arthropod Management
Relative Efficacy of Cotton Events Expressing Cry1Ab and Vip3A Against Cotton Bollworm and Tobacco Budworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Narendra Palekar, Ryan W. Kurtz, Frederick S. Walters, and David O’Reilly
Pages: 100-108

Economics and Marketing
Is the Cotton Checkoff Program Worth the Cost?
Oral Capps Jr., and Gary W. Williams
Pages: 109-126

Engineering and Ginning
Long-Term Storage of Polyethylene Film Wrapped Cotton Bales and Effects on Fiber and Textile Quality
S. E. Hughs, Gary Gamble, Carlos B. Armijo, and Dennis C. Tristao
Pages: 127-136

Engineering and Ginning
Test of Pressure Transducer for Measuring Cotton-Mass Flow
Mike Mailander, and Daniel Moriasi
Pages: 137-143

Engineering and Ginning
Influence of Grid Bar Shape on Field Cleaner Performance – Laboratory Screening Test
John D. Wanjura, Gregory A. Holt, Mathew G. Pelletier, and Jeffery A. Carroll
Pages: 144-153

Molecular Biology and Physiology
The Effect of Calcium on Early Fiber Elongation in Cotton Ovule Culture
Earl Taliercio, and Candace H. Haigler
Pages: 154-161

Plant Pathology and Nematology
Activity of Commercial Detergents Against Conidia and Chlamydospores of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum
Rebecca S. Bennett, Wayne O’Neill, Linda Smith, and Robert B. Hutmacher
Pages: 162-169

Textile Technology
Investigation of the Impact of Instrumental and Software Applications on Cotton and Botanical Trash Identification by Ultraviolet-Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Chanel Fortier, James Rodgers, and Jonn Foulk
Pages: 170-178

Textile Technology
Novel Studies of Non-Aqueous Volatiles in Lint Cotton Moisture Tests by Complementary Thermal Methods
Sherwin Y. Cheuk, Joe G. Montalvo Jr., and Terri M Von Hoven
Pages: 179-188

Textile Technology
Reference Method for Total Water in Lint Cotton by Automated Oven Drying Combined with Volumetric Karl Fischer Titration
Joseph G. Montalvo Jr., Terri M. Von Hoven, and Sherwin Cheuk
Pages: 189-205