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LOGO: Journal of Cotton Science


Lint Cleaning with Two Air-jet Cleaners in Series

Authors: S. Le
Pages: 246-252
Engineering and Ginning

The performance of two air-jet cleaners connected in series was evaluated. The air-jet cleaners were connected so that the fiber stream could be cleaned on one side or both sides. The effect of flow velocity on cleaning performance was also tested. In comparison to the baseline saw-type lint cleaner, which was the most efficient cleaner, the air-jet cleaners plus a special saw-type cleaner with only one cleaning point ranked second in cleaning performance. The air-jet cleaners were the least efficient cleaners, however, this cleaner configuration was the least aggressive; it generated the fewest neps and produced slightly longer fiber. Compared to cleaning only one side of the fiber stream, cleaning both sides at a higher flow velocity could gain 8% in cleaning efficiency.