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DP 555 BG/RR Growth and Yield as Related to Seed Size

Kevin D. Howard, Thomas A. Kerby, Janet Burgess, Michael Casavechia, and William Smith


In 2003, Delta and Pine Land Company released a cotton variety, DP 555 BG/RR, which has the potential to produce a significantly smaller seed when compared to other cotton varieties. With this reduction in seed size, D&PL readdressed the question of seed size as it relates to plant emergence, development and yield. During 2003, D&PL conducted a field trial to determine if the seed size of DP 555 BG/RR had an influence on plant emergence, plant growth and development, and yield. From the seed lots of DP 555 BG/RR sold in 2003, eight lots were selected to have similar warm and cool germs while representing a wide range in seed size. The eight lots of seed were planted in Winterville, MS and data was collected on plant emergence, plant development and yield. Two seed lots had delayed emergence compared to the other six lots. However, this difference did not correlate with seed size and was not significant at 38 DAP. Seed size did not affect the plant growth parameters of height, vegetative nodes, total nodes, and height to node ratio, or the plant development parameter of nodes above white flower. Seed cotton yields from all eight seed lots were statically the same indicating that the yield potential of DP 555 BG/RR was not affected by seed size.

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Document last modified 04/27/04