ABSTRACT The ovicidal ability of OVASYN 1.5EC, the performance of NU-FILM 17 as a spreader-sticker-extender, the extension of application interval, the synergistic ability of OVASYN on other insecticides and the effect of treatments on crop earliness were evaluated on late-planted (05 June) cotton. Two treatments were compared: OVASYN 1.5EC + ASANA XL + NU-FILM 17 (0. 25 + 0.05 lbs ai/A + 0. 1% v/v) and LANNATE 2.4EC + ASANA XL + NU-FILM 17 (0.15 + 0.05 lbs ai/A + 0.I % v/v). Treatments were applied on 28 August, 04 and 12 September 1992, using a fixed wing airplane calibrated to deliver 3 gallons per acre total spray volume. Pressure from Heliothis spp was quite high and continuous with some counts as high as 124 eggs per 100 terminals. Conclusions were that (1) OVASYN is a very effective ovicide from a new class of chemistry, (2) NU-FILM 17 may extend application intervals up to eight days, (3) better control was achieved with OVASYN with reduced risk to the producer's crop and (4) the OVASYN treated plots had more cotton open at defoliation (earliness) then the LANNATE treated plots. Over the course of the study a trend toward numerically fewer eggs and live larva per 100 terminals was observed in the OVASYN treated plots compared to the LANNATE treated plots. |
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN |
Document last modified July 8, 2004