Byssinosis Research: Where Do We Need to Go?

R.R. Jacobs


For the past ten years, cotton dust has been a focus of one of the technical sessions of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences. These conferences demonstrate the importance that the cotton industry has placed on solving byssinosis. During this time progress has been made in developing methods to control cotton dust in mills and in understanding the biological activity of cotton dust. However, because the etiology and pathogenesis of byssinosis have not been determined, the optimum solution, that of eliminating the causative agent from cotton has not been achieved. For this reason it is likely that byssinosis will remain a problem for both the U.S. and world textile industries. Included in this years Beltwide Proceedings on Cotton Dust is an index listing by author and by selected subject, the papers presented at the Conference over the last ten years. A review of this index shows the direction the research has taken and provides guidelines for future research.

Reprinted from 1986 Proceedings: Tenth Cotton Dust Research Conference pg. 165
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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