A crude aqueous extract of Acala SJ-2 green cotton bracts was filtered through an Amicon C.5 membrane and then passed sequentially over a DEAE Sephacryl column equilibrated with water and a DEAE column equilibrated with sodium borate (150 MM) to remove negatively charged compounds and sugar containing compounds, respectively. Contraction of canine tracheal smooth muscle strips correlated well with the absorbance eluting in the void volume of fractions 9-18. These fractions were pooled and lyophilized. The resulting pellet was dissolved in H2O, applied to a silica TLC plate and chromatographed with the organic phase of a 4-1-5 mixture of butanol-acetic acid-water. Smooth muscle contracting activity was resolved into two components. One weakly active component co-chromatographed with histamine and was antagonized by the H(1) antagonist, pyrilamine. We conclude that this compound is histamine. The second component produced strong contractions that were blocked by the 5-HT receptor antagonist, methysergide. Because it did not co-chromatograph with 5-HT, however, we conclude that it is not 5-HT.